Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Stage Design & Glove Design

Post 37

Happiness level: 6

Tutor(s) present: Jazmi

Stage Design

After showing Jazmi my previous post on the motion graphics, we concluded to use different platforms instead of using just a one dimensional screen. Most of my references and tutorials are spherical as well. I proposed a few stage sketches but concluded that I could use a polystyrene sphere instead to suit my motion graphic benchmarks.

He told me that I should be careful of the shadow casts if I were to pick my polygonal stage design.

I would cut a small section in the sphere and place the DJ in it. To avoid shadow casts, I will place a small mirror to reflect the DJ into the cut out hole.

I have also concluded to suspend the sphere in mid-air.

I am considering to rent another projector so that my project could be viewed in 360 Degrees.

Glove Design

As for the glove, it is decided and preferred that it took a look of a cuff instead of a whole glove wear up to the palms.

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