Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sprite Sheet generators

Found these two sprite sheet generators which are really cool.

There's even onion skin so that you can animate your stuff pixel by pixel. Gonna try it out with a gif.

This ones pretty cool too. But I had to rename the entire PNG sequence because this online generator reads it numerically from 0-end. Yeah I took a green screen video, Key Lighted it to remove the green screen and rendered 2 secs of it out into RGB+Alpha format so the transparency is still there. 2.09 secs of the video gave me about 57 Pngs.

Here's a fiddle.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


A really useful link I found.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Cool parallax mouse over

My website

The Script

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wooband wifi

I had my dad help me replace the batteries and the jammed up liPower (I can't sew, I fail as a woman) with some conductive thread and hook up my wifi xbees which SEEMED to be working fine when I tested them out with alligator clips (which are Jam's which I have yet to return to him).


When everything is sewed up, the rgb gets jammed at light blue. Tested it with Unity and found out the wiring must have messed up the connections to my accelerometer chip.

Here are some pics. I'm just too...lazy to troubleshoot. So I'm just gonna show whatever I have at TOA tmr while I fix this problem one day in the future.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Configuring and Connecting HC-05 Bluetooth to Mindwave edited by coty

Here's a selfie of me and the mindwave. LOL

I realised that there are no proper tutorials that address the 100000000000 problems I had with the module. People actually took weeks to make this work. (they said so in their blogs and in forums)

Get that thang into AT MODE first

//STATE and EN(KEY, on some boards) not necessary to hook them up//

1º Connect TX with 10,RX with 11,VCC(3.3v) (I used 5v also ok) and GND
2º Load the program in Arduino

Model ZS-040
1º Push button in bluetooth module and hold (DO NOT LET GO)
2º Disconnect VCC of bluetooth module and pluck it back in
3º Release button (OK LET GO) - Led must flash very slow. about 2 secs interval Now you are in AT MODE
4º Reset Arduino with reset button
5º Start the Monitor Serial, select "Both NL & CR"
6º Enter command "AT" and Enter. You must receive OK.

MINDWAVE configuration

Get the unique identifier from the Bluetooth devices: 74e5,43,9c5fe8

Problems I encountered
//make sure its at 3.3V instead of 5V, the hc05 can't handle it.

//RX-RX, TX-TX for configuring (in this case its pin 10 & 11)
//RX-TX, TX-RX only if looking out for output
Honestly, just switch it around until you get something out of the serial monitor. Different sites and trial and errors are telling me different things.

//mindwave ID - remove semicolons and replace with commas. make sure its 4,2,6 digits

//To pair with Mindwave, press reset button on board then switch on Mindwave after like 4 secs. Push the knob on the mindwave up to pair it. You don't need to push up the knob the second time you pair it, it would connect automatically. BUT, if you reboot everything (ie. plug out the USB and plug it back in, the connection is automatically severed and you have to pair it again. Like push the knob.)

The led should turn solid blue and shouldn't blink. Check your Serial monitor and make sure its set at 57600 baud rate, Both NL & CR//

//Once connected, if you switch between baud rates in the serial monitor your connection will be cut off.
Solution: restart it again.//

//If you cannot pair the mindwave automatically, it is probably the password problem.
Solution: Try configuring it to either 1234 or 0000. I changed mine to 0000 and it worked.//

Basically you have trouble uploading the new sketch(it takes forever) unto the board and you get this error at the console.
avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating with programmer

Solution: Unplug the VCC power wire Hc-05 from the board and upload the sketch. Once the upload is done, plug it back in. voila.//

//COM PORT ERROR IN USE although there's totally nothing using it here's a link to a forum that explained my problem but never really solved it.

I got this problem because my PC automatically shuts down the port after awhile, stopping the board from receiving any data from the mindwave. It would only send about like 6 lines of information then just completely shuts off the port. 

Solution: not yet found but a lot of them are blaming something in the PC or the USB for shutting it down. I tried to do this:

Write "regedit" to start/run and open it.
At opening window you will see a group of folders left side.
Choose   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Curr entControlSet \ Control \ Windows \ ErrorMode

Right click to ErrorMode and open.
Than change the number (0) to (2)

(If its already (2) dont make any change, this means
your problem is not an USB connection problem so
my method will not help you to fix this problem)

Restart the computer.

First connect your Arduino to USB, than open the IDE software.
Load your sketch.

But it still doesn't work. My com keeps shutting off the port.//

this unsigned one-byte integer value describes how poor the signal measured by the
thinkGear is. It ranges in value from 0 to 200. Any non-zero value indicates that some sort
of noise contamination is detected. the higher the number, the more noise is detected.

Basically, the lower the number , the better.

Determines the case in the code based on what is received

Time since last packet:
Millis (how much time has lapsed since last reading.

Info from:

//Sketch to upload to MEGA for Bluetooth//

//hit Enter after typing AT

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define rxPin 10
#define txPin 11
SoftwareSerial mySerial(rxPin, txPin); // RX, TX
char myChar ;
void setup() {
void loop() {
  while (mySerial.available()) {
    myChar =;
 while (Serial.available()) {
    myChar =;
    Serial.print(myChar); //echo

my brain. is a hurting.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

WIFI Configure Baud rate to 38400 instead of 9600 for both XBEES

Baud rate lists for ATBD
1 = 2400bps
2 = 4800bps
3 = 9600bps
4 = 19200bps
5 = 38400bps
6 = 57600 bps
7 = 115200 bps

These two are very reliable tutorials.

ATWR (to save and lock in)

And Saiful told me that I could use my powerbank to power my boards HAHAH

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Final presentation

Post 52

My final post on this blog, for this project.

I had food poisoning so I had to go through alot of complications during my presentation.

Like the screen decided to not want to extend properly.

- Focus on branding, make it big. Jazmi said.
- Think of a way to make it cost efficient

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Graphs of my emotional state and progress

Post 51

Happiness level: -20

I don't have enough time, should have asked for the extra one week I lost from being hospitalized. And tomorrow is the submission.

I can't get my wifi to work. It's hard.
I can't connect my pages together.
Jam's tutorial wasn't what I was looking for. *cries

Today I spent my day at the IIS setting up for tomorrow, and taking a simple walk through video. At least I progressed somewhat.

August 2014's progress was really high because it was still in pre-planning mode. I was ambitious and filled with energy.

October 2014 was a holiday, hence the very little progress and high emotional state.

And in November 2014, my progress shot up but I was very very emotionally down because that was when I encountered all the real problems.

Toward the end my emotional state was really low and had little progress. Due to my fever and etc.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Got the easy part done - WIFI ARDUINO XBEE LILYPAD

Post 50

Happiness Level: 6

I have to admit, I have been avoiding this project for quite sometime ever since my Dengue fever.
But I did double check the connection with the wifi and it works fine.

To make life easier, and to clear up what the tutorial failed to mention, (which resulted me and Yee Siang into panic mode) is that the +++ command is automatic, but the other commands are not.

Which means after typing ATMY or any other command, you have to press enter.

If not you would be like me, waiting for the automatic OK response for like forever.

I used two computers to send the messages, my desktop and my laptop and configured the 2 xbees by myself, with the help of the tutorial.

This is the CoolTerm on my desktop which acts as the SENDER,

And the xbee,

And this is the CoolTerm (receiver) on my laptop.

And the Xbee.

One thing I noticed though, I cannot send messages from the receiver to the sender. Only the Glove Xbee could send the info, because I set it that way, There's not back and forth communication.
I don't think that would be a worry though, my project does not require back and forth comm.

Now to link it with Processing.
I'm not excited.

More things to do:
- Wait for Jam Long to reply me on the tutorial he had which could fix my unlinkable pages
- Set the invoke for the delay thing to restart. (probably only I would understand what I'm typing)

An update on the logistics too,
Looks like I won't be needing an arch or stage mount thing, the ceiling at Publika blackbox would suffice.
Sad that nobody wants to be near my installation because of its loudness.

As for the unity and the delay matter,
David told me that there is no such thing as 'YEILD' for unity C# and that I should only use INVOKE.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Alpha Test with Level 4

Post 49

Happiness level : 8

Would give it a 10 if I had more help moving my junk up two flights of stairs.

Lecturers that gave their comments as well: Daniel Chong, Jiawern Kok, Jazmi Jamal, Sweii, Kelvin, Jam Long

You can see the band changing from green to blue!

So, based on my very unique survey, I have collected a number of drawings of faces which are pretty much explanatory.

Following things to improve:
- Make the differences wider between idle mode and active mode
- the tutorial isn't obvious enough
- get the wifi working

My components from Singapore has finally arrived! Yeay!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Preparing for Alpha test with LV 4 Students (our juniors)

Post 48

Happiness level: 5

I've built a ramp for the projector with hard card but it came out the wrong height. I'll fix it tomorrow morning.

There are some progress, although very little. Many of my tutors and classmates were complaining that my band was impossible to wear because it was too tight. (Which I agree) So I sewed elastic bands to increase the elasticity of the band and stuck on the Velcro so that the white plastic flap could close properly and stop flapping around.

And here's me playing with the accelerometer. I realized I haven't really showed anyone this.

My wifi parts from Singapore haven't arrived yet and I'm starting to get worried.

As for the video during the experience, I had videos of people fist pumping but they were in black and white. Initially I wanted to make them all black and white because one of the videos in there are in black and white. But Jazmi said it looked like a revolt video.

SO, I re-edited it again and put the color back and added some film burns. I also increased the size of the tutorial man cause it was too small before.

It wasn't necessary to have a survey during the Alpha test, (we just needed 5 participants to try it out and gather their feedback in our little notebook) but I created one anyway.

I made it fun too, so that they would be more relaxed and honest when answering my questions. I didn't want it to be serious and boring, because that's how I usually feel when I'm asked to do surveys without a free gift as a reward.

Click to enlarge.

Here are some of the field work I did in stalking for scaffolding.

As for the 'scaffolding', I talked to a few people, but a flower shop (FLEUR) is willing to rent me a wedding arch with branches which looks great and mysterious for RM260. I think it's still too expensive so I might want to entice her with promotional opportunities so I could get it sponsored.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Guest Sharing with Mr. Benedict from G2

Post. 47

Happiness level: 8

My Happiness is only that high because of Benedict's response to my project. He gave me a mini clap and said that he loved it.
He also said that my project had a lot of potential and could be expanded everywhere, events, concerts, ads, etc.
He was surprised that it was also an individual work.

The reason why my happiness level was 2 points shy to perfect is because I had to show my entire project in a badly rendered video at the last minute. Couldn't use our space at the IIS because the other levels were using it.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Post no 46

Happiness level: 10
Thanks to this tutorial, I have solved the lag with ReadTimeout!
Unity keeps reading the code from arduino causing my game to lag. So, I put a Readtimeout so that it only calls the info when there is change in the values! So happy!

And #projectbeautify commences.

I cut a bottle in half, stick some tape over the places I wanted clear and spray painted it white.

Will be adding further details next. I'm excited on how this would turn out!
The band seems a little bit tighter than usual now that all the boards are sewn in.

As for the wifi I have yet to get the parts from Singapore.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Found a good tutorial for wifi xbee lilypad connection

Post 45

Happiness level: 5

Honestly, these past two weeks I was totally burn out from the previous ('final' visit from the industry expert) and had to recuperate. I did not progress as much but found out that:

a. The lag in the IIS is not caused by my coding, but by how un-powerful the machine I'm using is. I might have to carry my desktop there. Great.

b. Still have to merge two scripts into one because the serial can't read the ports if I just switch pages like that.

c. Have to solve the latency and clearness of the videos played during the experience.

d. There's a bug where there is no delay time when the person is inactive. It glitches and the idle video comes on and off.

e. The wifi module, I could do it with this tutorial. I need another dongle to test tho. And I do not want to spend another SGD39 on something which I would use just for a day.

f. I might just end up with one glove because I'm already over budget. Unless an unknowing angel is willing to sponsor the other one, which would obviously increase the epicness level of the project.

g. I'm starting to design the glove and improve its appearance. I cut half a bottle and am going to  tape over a strip of tape where the led would show brightest and use it as a stencil while I spray the rest of the bottle black. That way the light would be distributed and it would appear to be a long line instead of just a little round bulb.

h. I have to decorate the space. With alot of white mounting boards.


D I Y : AUDIENCE JACKET. (2015). 1st ed. [PDF] Toronto: OCAD University, pp.1-36. Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2015].