Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sewing til the AM

Post 42

Happiness level : 6

My Motion Graphics are 80% complete, they are taking a much long time than I thought. But I did try out sewing and it turn out looking like something that came out of a thrift store.

I have never sewed in my life, so this is literally my proudest moment, my proudest milestone.

After sewing of course, with buttons and everything, I discovered I cut the fabric straight down like a box. I forgot the human arm actually widens from the wrist up. So I didn't get to close it up properly.

This fabric is from a really old shirt, I used it because it's stretchy. 

I tried to cover it up but it looks really shady.

I discovered that sewing the boards on the fabric itself would be too flimsy. So I sketched out more ideas.

The red was inspired by Baymax from Big Hero 6. I wanted the interior to be two toned as well.

Then I realised, Buzzlightyear's suit has the same mechanism I need!
The compartment which conceals the boards. My dad suggested I cut up a bottle in half and use it as the flap. (like below)

Here are some more sketches for the band.

This is the sewing of the nylon hard fabric on the sports wristguards which are a perfect fit to wrist, and my father's. A cut up bottle will be used to encase the band.

I would be thickening up with two of these hard nylon fabrics and use the top flap as the base for my boards and sew them on the top flap. The bottom flap would prevent the conductive thread from touching the skin of the users.

Of course I went to dad and mom and they gave me two sports wristbands and sewed them together to get a better, firmer, stretchable band. Sewed a hard white fabric (used for collars of formal shirts) on the top of the cute bands to cover the little heart designs and prevent stretching from the top so that it wouldn't damage my boards.

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