Saturday, December 6, 2014

Logistics and Microphone Debugging

Post 39

Happiness levels: 8

Tutor(s) present: Jazmi, Yee Siang, Jam!

Okay first up, the logistics.

Jazmi and I discovered that there was a leak at the wall from my graphics and suggested that I should vignette it out so the hard edges would be gone and there isn't gonna look like an error.

Other than that, the outcomes were pretty good, I suspended my polystyrene ball with a piece of fishing string and clasped the two halves together with the roll of fishing string in between to hold it up from within. Discovered that if I wanted to project on two sides of the ball I needed 3m+ of space.
That would be difficult since there are going to be about 30+ projects in the same area.

Should I compromise with just one side of the ball? :(

Discovered that the ball should be slightly higher than eye level so the users won't be able to see the shadowed top of the ball. Overall logistics looks pretty good and the user would be standing behind the projector to interact with it. 

Ill disguise the table and projector into my glove compartment holder & table (which I would also hide my computers and what not under it) and wrap it around with white board so it looks super clean and white and professional looking,

So happy everything works amazing.

Microphone Debugging

Jam came to the rescue!
My microphone got fixed and apparently I was uploading unnecessary scripts which hindered it to work. I also had to fix the baud rate so it matches the baud rate of my accelerator code. Everything is moving along swiftly. 
I just have to turn the strings to numbers with Parse and put them altogether, separate the game into three parts and upload the videos separately and I'm done with the coding! I'll have to focus on the wifi module next. (oh god)

And sewing. =(

Things to do next:
- Finish up the motion graphics for the two songs
- Code up the game
- Debug Wifi

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