Friday, February 14, 2014

Uncanny Valley of Holograms

Post no.6

I found really good paper by Mr. ElmoreShidy over Here.

He talks about how holography was initially based on an illusion technique called the Pepper's Ghost. And I quote:

"Three-dimensional holographic projection technology is loosely based on an illusionary technique called Peppers Ghost, and was first used in Victorian theatres across London in the 1860s. Pepper's Ghost was typically used to create ghostlike figures on stage.

Hidden from the audience's view, an actor dressed in a ghostly costume would stand facing an angled plate of glass. The audience would be able to see the glass, but not the actor directly." 

He then talks about holograms that are found in our credit cards, and cereal boxes.

I was told to re-plot my graph and separate them into inanimate and animated holographs.

Right now in the 21st century. people are using high definition videos and CGI animations to project onto a chemically treated film via a HD screen projector.  As he says.

He talks about 3D glasses as well and how it creates illusions of depth in 3D movies, or theme park rides.

For immersion and interactivity: the projectors 'ability' and camera array. And its HD-ness.

More points to highlight:
"...would provide for the critical need for realistic holographic optics."

The future of holograms:
Phones are capable to project holograms.

I have realized how he said that CD and DVD's are still a main sharing platform. Although this paper has been written in 2010, our technology has greatly shifted from using Cds and Dvd's to sharing through the internet like Dropbox, mediafire, cloud computing and sendspace.

also relates the shadows on the wall in platos cave are in fact, the early days of holographs.

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