Thursday, April 14, 2016

Google Web Design Conversions

Converting ad-Words/DoubleClick to Non-Google Ad and the other way round.

First and foremost, AdWords and DoubleClick are the same. No one seems to say it anywhere.
Found the answer on Stackoverflow, but there are a few things I'd still like to ad. Haha. Puns.

Adwords/DoubleClick Ads To Non-Google Ad Environment Conversion
  1. Create a new "Non-Google Ad" file. This will generate the "gwdgenericad_min.js" file.
  2. Copy the "gwdgenericad_min.js" from the New folder you just created to the existing project folder of your GWD source html file that you want to convert.
  3. Open the file in GWD.
  4. Switch to Code View.
  5. Find the following line and remove it:
    <script data-source="" data-exports-type="gwd-doubleclick" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  6. Search for the following lines in the code:

    THIS. I'd like to Ad. You might not get to find the this line of code in the Code View of GWD if you copied and paste the entire line below. Look for the script instead, because you might have a different data version. data-version="1" in this tutorial is bound to change. In my case, it was data-version="8".
    <script data-source="gwddoubleclick_min.js" data-version="1.8" data-exports-type="gwd-doubleclick" type="text/javascript" src="gwddoubleclick_min.js"></script>
    Replace with the following line:
    <script data-source="gwdgenericad_min.js" data-version="1" data-exports-type="gwd-genericad" type="text/javascript" src="gwdgenericad_min.js"></script>
  7. Find the following tag under <body> tag:

    THIS. Is Confusing. Let me un-confuse you. Find this chunk and delete it.
    <gwd-doubleclick id="gwd-ad" polite-load=""> <gwd-metric-configuration> THERE'S A FEW LINES OF CODE IN BETWEEN THESE TWO TAGS. </gwd-metric-configuration>
    And replace that entire chunk with this one line:
    <gwd-genericad id="gwd-ad">
  8. Last, search for the following close tag
    And replace it with:
  9. Save and reopen the file. 
  10. Publish the file locally and add a 1px #666666 border.
Here's another Sizmek link that might help.

Non-Google Ad Environment To Adwords/DoubleClick Ads  Conversion
    1. Create a new Adwords ad file. This will generate the " gwddoubleclick_min.js" file.

    1. Copy the gwddoubleclick_min.js from the New folder you just created  to  the  existing project folder . This is a required file for DoubleClick ad.

    1. Open the file in GWD.

    1. Switch to Code View.

    1. Search for the following lines in the code:

    1. <script data-source="gwdgenericad_min.js" data-version="1" data-exports-type="gwd-genericad" type="text/javascript" src="gwdgenericad_min.js"></script>

    Replace with the following line:

    <script data-source="" data-exports-type="gwd-doubleclick" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script data-source="gwddoubleclick_min.js" data-version="1.8" data-exports-type="gwd-doubleclick" type="text/javascript" src="gwddoubleclick_min.js"></script>

    1. Then, search for the following open tag:

    <gwd-genericad id="gwd-ad">

    Replace with the following line:

    <gwd-doubleclick id="gwd-ad" polite-load="">

    1.  Last, search for the following  close tag :


    And replace  it with:


    1.  Go back to Design view.
    2. Convert your Overall_clicktag Tap Area from eb.Click to GoogleAd>Exit Ad> And type in a metric name, the name of your file is prefered for example: '160x600_FileA'> And copy and paste the link your agency gives you into the URL box under the Mertric Name. *Note* The Google Ad option will only appear after completing steps 6 to 8. A metric name is basically like an instance name, something for the program to recognise for it to execute the action of opening the link.
    3. Save and preview the file. Click the banner and make sure it opens up a new tab with the link intended.
    4. Publish the file locally and select Polite Load. Add a 1px grey border too, #666666. *Note* Polite Load basically means that the banner would allow the rest of the home page load first, only loading itself. How gentlemanly.
    5. Got the tut from Here.

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