Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Check it outtt.

My first ever website that I done for an assignment!

Topic title: Digital Heritage Website


  1. Overall seems pretty functional. My big gripe would be that the moody background has a haunted connotation. The graffitied named of CFZ on his photo is not appropriatelah. Needs some formality.

    I've been there and it feels very lively given the dullness of the surrounding buildings.

    An important menu might be one which gives the location or visiting hours.

  2. Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for the tip! I did incorporate a map in the CFT tab and the visiting hours as well as the duration of the tour at the bottom of the long text in 'The Mansion' tab.

    I do agree that appropriate menu could increase legibility but the brief did state that my main aim was to only introduce and present information about a certain cultural heritage of Malaysia. I input the map and visiting hours as an extra effort. :)

    As for the moody background, I was attempting to give a more mysterious,not-so-commercialized look to the Mansion. Also, it is known by the Penangites that this was indeed a haunted mansion. Anyway,
    This is the url for the original site:


    I was actually quite baffled about how the mansion 'rided' on its blue exterior to promote itself. Therefore, I have chosen a more 'historical' look to emphasize and embrace the many stories and histories that was in the Mansion itself. It was actually my goal to steer the audience past that PR scheme and into what makes the Mansion so rich in history.
